Nixon Now Podcast

Robert Dupont on the 50th Anniversary of President Nixon's Message on Dangerous Drugs



This week marks the 50th anniversary of President Nixon’s special message to the Congress on Control of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. President Nixon said: A national awareness of the gravity of the situation is needed; a new urgency and concerted national policy are needed at the Federal level to begin to cope with this growing menace to the general welfare of the United States. On this edition of the Nixon Now podcast we're joined by Dr. Robert DuPont. Dr. DuPont is a psychiatrist who served as a director of the White House Special Action Office on Drug Abuse Prevention. Popularly known today as the Nation’s Drug Czar. Interview by Jonathan Movroydis. Photo: President Nixon hosts a meeting in the Cabinet Room with bipartisan Congressional leadership to discuss narcotics control and treatment issues, October 23, 1969 (Richard Nixon Presidential Library)