Kyle Meredith With...

Crowded House’s Neil Finn on Gravity Stairs, 80s Classics, Love, Mortality, & Family



Crowded House’s Neil Finn catches up with Kyle Meredith to talk about the band's upcoming album Gravity Stairs, their second release since reuniting in 2020. Listen to the new episode above, or wherever you get your podcasts.The songwriting legend measures the band's new material against their classic '80s and '90s work, explaining how they maintained a dreamy quality for the latest set. A goal for the new album in particular, though, was to be more lyrically direct, which lead Finn to work with his sons Liam and Elroy, as well as his brother (and former bandmate) Tim Finn.Such interests can be heard on the first single, "Oh Hi," which has ties to the charity So They Can, an organization focused on helping build schools in countries like Kenya and Tanzania.Listen to Finn talk about Crowded House's new album Gravity Stairs, their new song "Oh Hi," and more above. To keep up to date with all the latest from Kyle Meredith With... follow on your favorite podcast platform; keep