God, Sex & You! With Dustin Daniels

What Really Happened on the Cross?



or our sake… God made Jesus to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Jesus we might become the righteousness of God - 2 Corinthians 5:21 Have you ever pondered what really happened on the that wooden…bloodstained…Roman cross? Have you ever meditated on what truly transpired that day? A transaction between God the Father and God the Son that seems to good to be true. Ahhh, but its not. It is true! That Almighty God would step down off His throne in Heaven to become flesh, to become His own creation to show us how to live, how to die while at the same time being the substitution for our sins…that Jesus alone bore the rightful and holy wrath of The Father so that we could be in a right and pure relationship with Him once again. So here’s the big question? How can we possibly wrap our minds and hearts around this? How can we ever understand the love of Almighty God? How can we ever learn to actually live…truly live in the Father’s affection? Guest: Wayne Jacobsen Book: He Loves Me - Learning to Live in the Father's