Travel N Sh!t Podcast

Weird Sports Around the World



This was a really fun dive into some of the most obscure and unique sports around the world. From low skill asks like throwing yourself down a hill (cheese rolling) or making the funniest face (gurning) to acrobatic feats like unicycle polo, kabaddi and sepak takraw, the world if full of amazing ways to bust ass and earn points. Let's dive in. I’ve put together an itinerary pack that includes five different weekend friendly roadtrips hours from NYC. Take the stress of planning and packing off the table and focus on the road. miss a Travel N Sh!t beat! Keep up with guest updates and all things Travel N Shit. Sign up for the mailing list: If you enjoyed this week or any week’s episode, please take a second to subscribe and rate Travel N Sh!t on the platform you listen. If you’re REALLY feeling froggy, please take this quick listener survey so I can get to know you better!