Authentic Living

Special Encore Presentation: It’s Not the End of the World!



Dr. Joan Borysenko appears, for the second time, on the Authentic Living Show today to discuss her latest book, “It’s not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change.” One of the most popular and sought after speakers in the field of health, healing and spirituality, Joan is world-renowned for her expertise in the field of Mind/Body medicine. A three-time graduate of Harvard Medical School, with a Doctorate in Medicine (MD) and two post-doctoral fellowships in behavioral medicine and psychoneuroimmunology, her brilliance is uniquely matched by her warmth and inspirational presentations. She is the author of several best-selling books, including her first, “Minding the Body, Mending the Mind,” “Inner Peace for Busy People,” and the topic of last year’s Authentic Living show,“Your Soul’s Compass.” You know, if we are forced to endure these tough times, we might as well get something out of it. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the art of resilience from Dr. Joan