Authentic Living

Purpose in love and in life



Ever wonder why it is that we seem to be drawn to primary relationships? Ever wonder about your own life’s purpose? This whole idea of purpose is one that can either drive us insane or motivate us toward meaning. Our guest this week will help us to learn about purpose as it applies to both our relationships and our lives in general. Dorothy Ratusny is a Canadian Psychotherapist specializing in Cognitive Therapy, who combines that effort with knowledge of Eastern philosophy, Christian Theology, Mysticism and Metaphysics to offer her clients tools of self-discovery toward personal empowerment and authentic living. She is the author of “The Purpose of Love” and “Live Your Life’s Purpose,” a consultant for numerous corporations, a frequent guest of various radio shows and, recently, the co-host of the radio show Womyn’s Word. Don’t miss this opportunity to start the New Year by exploring your purpose!