Go Green Radio

Special Encore Presentation: Living With Limits – The Reality of a Declining Energy Supply



Currently, the world derives 86 percent of its energy from finite fuels: oil, coal, and natural gas. If we have not already reached peak oil production, we are close to it, meaning that half of planet’s oil supply is already gone. At some point, we will reach peak coal and natural gas production, as well. Renewable energy delivers less than one percent (1%) of the world’s energy supply, and is not being deployed on a scale to replace even a small percentage of the world’s current and projected energy needs for the future. As global population reaches an all-time high, the energy supply needed to feed, clothe, shelter, and provide work for all those individuals is in decline. How does a smart, forward-looking society plan for the inevitable changes inherent in this energy dilemma? Our guest, Richard Heinberg, senior fellow-in-residence at the Post Carbon Institute, will share his views on the matter as we discuss the book, ENERGY: Overdevelopment & the Delusion of Endless Growth.