Go Green Radio

Special Encore Presentation: Eat Your Values. Vote with Your Fork



Food is one of the most basic things that all human beings have in common. We don’t all eat the same types of food, but we are all linked to one another in our need for nourishment. Modern agriculture has increased the amount of food that is produced, yet even in America, there are hungry, malnourished children. Additionally, the environmental footprint of modern agriculture places it in direct competition with other industries and consumers for limited resources like oil, water, and minerals. On top of that, the way we as consumers handle our food compounds the environmental impact of our food supply. What we purchase and what we waste can have very negative effects on our air, water and soil quality. Tune in today as we talk with Jonathan Kaplan, the Director of Food and Agriculture and Senior Policy Specialist at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and Andrea Northup