Go Green Radio

Ensuring “Green” Jobs Are Good Jobs – AFL-CIO’s Position on the Green Economy and Climate Change



Our nation, and our world, is transitioning to a green economy. But what about those people whose livelihoods are intertwined with carbon emissions: coal miners, oil rig operators, etc.? What happens to their families as the economy transitions to one that is less carbon intense? If they are retrained for a “green” job, will it pay as well, or will their family have to relocate? AFL-CIO, the umbrella federation for U.S. unions, with 56 unions representing more than 12 million working men and women, is working on these issues. Today we’re joined by Bob Baugh, Director of the AFL-CIO Working for America Institute (WAI). The institute is a union think tank/technical assistance organization for worker training/education, technology and economic development and is home to the Center for Green Jobs