Go Green Radio

The Crash Course – the Unsustainable Future of our Economy, Energy, and Environment



Chris Martenson may know more about The Three E’s (economy, energy and environment) than just about anybody else. Once a vice-president of an international Fortune 300 company, he was definitely part of the 1%. Now, the dynamic, articulate and entertaining Martenson is regularly invited to speak at the United Nations, major corporations, municipalities, the U.K. House of Parliament and various U.S. state legislatures – but not because his message is one the 1% want to hear. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Dr. Martenson has devoted himself to dissecting and explaining “The Three E’s” in a way which helps the 99% understand what is going on. His book, The Crash Course, discusses unsustainable trends in the economy, energy and the environment with solid facts presented in a calm, nonpartisan manner. Tune in to hear Chris discuss his positive vision for how our lives can become more balanced, resilient, and sustainable.