Go Green Radio

Earth’s Equilibrium is More Delicate Than You Think



A lot of people believe that no matter what humans do to the environment, the Earth has the capability to restore its equilibrium. After all, we know that the planet has survived through many previous ice ages, periods of global warming, and eras of intense CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. We assume that just because the Earth has recovered from these naturally occurring events, it will do so again, even as humans contribute to the environmental changes we currently observe. However, Professor Peter Sale of the United Nations University, and author of the new book Our Dying Planet…An Ecologist’s View of the Crisis We Face, has a different theory. On today’s episode he will reveal how the combination of overfishing, deforestation, pollution, and intense use of fossil fuels may cripple the Earth ability to rejuvenate itself, hence making the planet much less inhabitable. Tune in as Professor Sale discusses a reasonable course of action that humans can take to help restore balance to the Earth’s many ecosys