Go Green Radio

CleanTECH San Diego – the NEW Gateway to the West



Oil was undoubtedly the fuel of the 20th century economy, but by all accounts, clean technology will be the fuel of the 21st century economy. Thanks to the leadership of a new nonprofit organization, CleanTECH San Diego (www.cleantechsandiego.org), ‘America’s Finest City’ is poised to be a global economic leader by institutionalizing collaboration between business, government and research facilities. CleanTECH San Diego is streamlining the process by which clean tech companies grow, hire, and invest in the community. As a result, they are saving precious resources, including taxpayer dollars. Tune in as we discuss this landmark organization with its President and CEO, Lisa Bicker, and Jason Anderson, Vice President and Executive Director of CleanTECH San Diego Education Foundation.