Go Green Radio

“The Academy for Global Citizenship…a New “Green” Template for Public Education”



Every generation needs leaders, and not all of them will come from affluent, private schools. Many of the next generation’s leaders will come from public schools, and one woman and her colleagues are on a mission to ensure that their public school delivers citizen-leaders who are prepared for the challenges they will face in the 21st century. This week on Go Green Radio, we will talk with Sarah Elizabeth Ippel, who is the founder of the Academy of Global Citizenship. This brand new public school is located on the south side of Chicago, and most of its students are from low income households. Listen in to learn how Sarah Elizabeth has been able to engage parents, community leaders and generous donors to create a new template for public education that integrates multicultural awareness and environmental stewardship. For more information, check out the website at: http://www.agcchicago.org/.