Into The Portal

S1 Ep124: Strange Mermaid Encounters



For thousands of years mankind's relationship with the water has led to many different spectacular legends and encounters. However for many cultures, none are as common or as strange as entities known as Mermaids... Creatures that have been spotted by great explorers and adventurers alike in modern times. But could such creatures exist in the vast unknown expanses of unexplored waters?  In this episode we are joined by our good friend  Dr. Shea Conger, a specialist in marine mammal behavioural ecology.. To chat sightings, stories, physical descriptions and more, as we search for evidence of Mermaids!  Shea’s Deep Sea News Article, “Fishful Thinking: Five Reasons Why Mermaids Can’t Exist”  Need someone to talk to? Check out our sponsor Better Help and use promo code PORTAL to receive 10% off your first month :)      Want some exclusive bonus episodes!? A little goes a long way. Come and join ITP’s Patreon Community!  Coffee is essential to podcast research! Help support ITP with some Caffeine ;) Y