Into The Portal

S1 Ep111: Legend of the Dogman Part 1.5



Welcome back for a bonus episode from ITP as we create our own hybrid enigma with this bonus Creature Search/Film Friday review of 2010 Monster Quest Episode - Americas Wolfman! We dive into more Michigan Dogman accounts, police investigations and the topic of hoaxed videos in the world of the paranormal...  This episode is dedicated in loving memory of Janet Crema. We love you Nana, you will be forever in our hearts as we continue to search for the unknown.  Thank you to all of our Patreon Supporters and to our Producer Jorden U! Please help us out! a little goes a long way :) Join ITP’s Patreon Community!  For more information and resources visit our website Find more show like ours in a world of High Strangeness on  Join Into The Portal on Facebook!  Hit ITP up on Twitter!  Check out ITP on YouTube  Official Into The Portal Storefront  Have any comments, corrections or feedback for the show? Email us at