Into The Portal

S1 Ep94: Atlantis of Japan



Hidden deep within our oceans lie relics of an ancient past, some definitively left by man.. while others that stretch even further back in time are more difficult to explain. One such location was discovered off the coast of Japan in 1986 leading many to wonder who could have created such a structure.. Nature or Man? If indeed build by an ancient peoples, the place since dubbed The Yonaguni Monument may still hold their secrets. Join us on Into The Portal as we discuss this mysterious formation and the legends of Japans Atlantis.  Thank you to all of our Patreon Supporters and to our Producer Jorden U! Want to support the show? Join ITP’s Patreon Community!  For more information and resources visit our website Find more show like ours in a world of High Strangeness on  Visit Coffee Gator to get 15% off your purchase with Promo Code QUARK  Join Into The Portal on Facebook!  Hit ITP up on Twitter!  Check out ITP on YouTube