Into The Portal

S1 Ep26: Ancient Explorers: The Irish Connection



So many explorers have fallen through the cracks of history, shunned away into the dark places that lie somewhere between reality an myth. The tales of early Irish Christians spoke of one such man name St. Brendan, who sailed the North Atlantic establishing very real monasteries along his way. But legends also tell of Brendan embarking on another journey, one much more dangerous; a mission to a new world. Encountering monsters and giants, braving balls of fire and strange creatures, the stories of Brendan and his Monks hold possible clues to uncovering a very real journey. This week on Into The Portal we dive into the incredible Legend of St. Brendan as well as Celtic Myths, discussing the possibility of an epic Pre-Columbian journey to North America launched from the British Isles. Ancient Irish and Celtic Explorers. Find full show notes and more on