Into The Portal

S1 Ep21: The Invisible City



The Invisible City of Kitezh was borne out of a 13th century legend involving the Mongols, a fervently religious group , and a city disappearing into the depths of Lake Svetloyar. The Story goes that the city of Kitezh was founded as part of two twin cities, Maly Kitezh (Small Kitezh), and Bolshoy Kitezh (Big Kitezh). Not long after, a descendent of Ghenghis Khan caught wind of the two cities and decided to invade and ransack them. The first and smaller of the two was quickly captured, but the real prize, Bolshoy Kitezh still stood hidden in the dense forest… Join Into The Portal for a whole new historical mystery as we dissect the fall of what has been called the Atlantis of Russia, the mysterious Invisible City that lives on this day as one of the world’s most revered holy sites. Promotion for Shaken Not Nerd Podcast! For more resources and information, visit our website.