Into The Portal

S1 Ep19: Real Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Bonny and Read



The life at sea is no place for a lady. However, this was hardly the way to describe Anne Bonny and Mary Read, two fearless female pirates that lived during the Golden Era of Caribbean piracy of the 1700’s. What brief record exists of the lives of Anne Bonny and Mary Read were filled with enough notorious deeds to qualify the women for a place of honor beside Blackbeard and other well-known pirates…. Read had humble origins in England as the illegitimate daughter of a poor widow who, out of sheer necessity, dressed her as a boy from an early age. Bonny came from a wealthy family, however, her upbringing was no less mired in scandal and as young women the two found themselves thrust into the male-dominated, rough and tumble world of Caribbean piracy, where they would make their legendary mark in a most remarkable way. For full show notes and resources visit our website.