Into The Portal

S1 Ep14: The Great Lakes Triangle Part II: Vanished Aircraft



When it comes to places on Earth where inexplicable events occur The Great Lakes Triangle is by far the least known, while also being one of the most deadly. The area that forms a rough triangle shape stretching across all 5 of the Great Lakes has claimed the lives of thousands of sailors in its frigid waters, some left to be found… Others vanished never to be seen again. However, it is not only vessels on the water that have experienced bizarre phenomena within the triangle. The Great Lakes have become a graveyard of violent and strange aircraft disasters that to this day have yet to be explained. Often times the evidence is contradictory, other times there is simply no evidence to be found, while often what occurs simply makes no sense at all. Like the disappearance of Eugene Moncla in 1953 as he vanished from radar after attempting to intercept an unknown craft, never to be seen again. Or Flight 389, that in good weather and with calm experienced pilots, inexplicably plummeted into Lake Michigan en route t