Into The Portal

S1 Ep10: The People With No Fire



North Sentinel, the smallest inhabited island within the Andaman range in the Bay of Bengal and home to a bizarre and curious peoples: the Sentinelese. These people, whose population numbers are unknown, have managed to remain isolated for over 60,000 years. When attempts to contact them have taken place… the result is never favourable for the intruders. Known to be excellent marksmen, the Sentinelese choose to volley outsiders with waves of long arrows tipped with salvaged iron from shipwrecks, a trademark that has cast them in the light as one of the most hostile and dangerous indigenous groups in the world. Because they share no culture or language with neighbouring islanders, little is known of the Sentinelese, which only adds to the allure and mystery of this tribe. Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the North Sentinel Islanders is found in the dominant description: The People With No Fire. Join Into The Portal for a new adventure in the Bay of Bengal as we attempt to unravel the mystery of the las