Random Bush

1.09 - The Dick Laughing Karens, Soggy Boxes, and The Waffle Guy



the Dick Laughing Karens, Soggy Boxes, And the Waffle Guy S1 E9     00:20:32 Episode Summary Remember that girl that laughed at your junk, in my case her name was Karen. Their has been an accident “It” has been cut, clean off. But we can replace “It”. We can make "It" better, stronger, faster. Soon thereafter questionable salesmen, Sam and Sal, sell you something you really don’t want. Followed by a glorious display of improvisational talent and Storytelling skills. After listening in you too will know the pure joy it is to be the waffle guy. On his first day of work at the waffle house. And as always full cast comedy sketches, jokes, silliness, funny songs, antics, high fives, and good times. Enjoy! Drop us a line at RandomBushPodcast@Gmail.com RandomBush.Podbean.Com Written and Performed By your host's Shawn Random and Andrew Bush Music theme provided by Vibe Tracks - About That Oldie "Today's Episode fake sponser..." Voice Actor - Mimi Rose "Soggy Boxes " SAM SLUGWELL - Andrew Bush SAL SLUGWELL - Shawn Ran