Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Trauma and AutoImmunity with Sara Gottfried



In this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor Show, we embark on a deep dive into the intricate web of trauma and its profound effects on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Join me and my esteemed colleague, Dr. Sara Gottfried, as we navigate the complexities of trauma's influence on autoimmune diseases, hormone balance, and overall quality of life. Dr. Sara brings her wealth of knowledge in obstetrics and gynecology to the table, shedding light on the connection between trauma and autoimmune conditions. Together, we explore the psycho-immune-endocrinology network and how trauma can disrupt hormonal balance, trigger autoimmune responses, and compromise immune function. Throughout our conversation, we delve into practical strategies for addressing trauma, including the significance of assessing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) scores and monitoring DHEA levels. Dr. Sara shares insights from her upcoming book, "The Autoimmune Cure," offering actionable advice for those seeking to heal from