New Rules Podcast

E42 | Projection Leadership: Are You Practicing What You Preach?



‘Values’ are terms given to define the principles that we embody in our personal and professional lives.    However, many times we are unclear in our understanding of these important structures that make up the fabric of our lives.    In Part Two of this Two-Part Episode, Adrian and Bri dive into what it means to truly live according to our values.    We’ll discuss:   How can you tell if something is a true value of yours? Is it possible to have values that we don’t live out properly? Why your character is how you live out your values in high-pressure situations  What external movies/stories do you gravitate towards emotionally, and how does this connect to your core values? How do high-pressure situations affect how you behave? Why empowerment is a value of Adrian’s How a lack of comfort can force you to expose your true values  When Adrian and Bri felt they did not live up to their values   Whether you are a corporate leader, parent, or any individual who finds themselves in a position of