Hypnosis Everywhere: Ines Simpson And The Simpson Protocol

on Dreams and other imaginings



This week I chat with Wendie Webber - who like so many hypnotists has an extensive background in all aspects of Hypnosis. We live close by and this was fun to do an interview face to face rather than over a phone line Wendy has a deep knowledge of Hypnosis - as she has taken every course know to humankind to do with Hypnosis and the Mind! We chat about her knowledge of Hypnosis - but then we move onto an interesting discussion on dreams and the way to possibly help you interpret your dreams Dreams can be a mere reshuffling on the days experiences - but the ones that stick are most likely some connection from the other part of your mind - pushing up an emotion or memory for you to use. We explore this - and Wendie gives examples of how to use your dreams to help your waking life