Hypnosis Everywhere: Ines Simpson And The Simpson Protocol

Now Please Welcome to the Stage...



This week we chat with Paul Ramsay - stage Hypnotist and much much more. He's a highly successful stage hypnotist in the college market, and he has also performed for major brands like Pepsi and Bud Light. We will talk about Hypnosis on stage - and why people do those things they do- and talk about it from the Hypnotists perspective. Paul will explain the empowering uses of stage hypnosis and the awareness it gives his audience We will chat to Paul about his off stage life as a 'clinical' hypnotist and how the lessons from one transfer to the other. We will talk about negative hallucinations and positive hallucinations that are so easily induced in those who are willing on stage - and how we do it ourselves in everyday life. And we again expand the concepts and understanding of what this thing called hypnosis is and how it affects all of us in every aspect of our lives. But now Paul - really - do you make them bark like a dog!!