Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

2129: The Socialist Republic of California's Tenant-Friendly Nightmare: What Landlords Need to Know



Jason discusses the housing market and economic trends. He likens the market constrictor, symbolizing economic pressures, to a boa constrictor squeezing homeowners due to low mortgage rates. He criticizes California's tenant-friendly regulations, highlighting Santa Monica's extreme housing policies. He touches on inflation concerns, emphasizing the housing market's resilience amid inflationary pressures. The episode concludes with cruise updates and invitations to Zoom meetings. Jason offers tremendous insights into real estate investment strategies amidst market challenges. One last room available for the Empowered Investor Cruise!- unless you book a suite! Go to TODAY! Them finishing up his interview with Dean Rogers, Jason talks about how the real estate market is showing signs of a temporary slowdown, especially in the apartment sector due to oversupply. While rents are softening in apartments, single-family homes continue to see rising rents. Jason suggests a crash is not im