Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

2127 FBF: The Impact of Quantitative Tightening on Interest Rates & a Better Use for $1 Trillion with Richard Duncan, Part 2



This Flashback Friday is from episode 958, published last February 13, 2018. Jason Hartman kicks off the show today asking his ultimate question: compared to what? It's a question that will serve you well in all aspects of your life and will guide you down the right path. He also wants to invite you to join him on any of his adventures scheduled for this year to make your vacation planning even easier. Then Jason wraps up his interview with Macro Watch's Richard Duncan. The two tackle the topic of rising interest rates, better uses for going into further debt than giving it to tax reform, how the Fed will react to a tanking stock market, and what we can expect to see over the next few years. #FlashbackFriday #RealEstateInvesting #FinancialIndependence #InvestmentTips #WealthCreation #EconomicAnalysis #TaxReform #GovernmentInvestment #FiscalPolicy #QuantitativeTightening #StockMarketVolatility #PropertyInvestment #GlobalEconomy #RichardDuncanEconomics Key Takeaways: Jason editorial 4:06 Always view things in p