Building Utah

Speaking on Business: Transform with Wellness



This is Derek Miller, Speaking on Business. According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, American health care spending reached 4.5 trillion dollars in 2022. As businesses, individuals and households navigate rising healthcare expenses, a shift towards proactive health strategies is crucial. Julie Wilde, Founder of Transform With Wellness, joins us with more. Julie Wilde: Did you know that 90 percent of health outcomes are determined by modifiable behaviors and choices like diet, lifestyle and environment? It's time to take action to improve your health for a better quality of life regardless of your health status and experience the power of elevated well-being. As a results-driven health coach with a corporate background, I am passionate about empowering professional women on the journey to their best selves. From stress management to feeling and looking their best, I specialize in helping women with personalized health transformation programs, workplace wellness initiatives, and engaging s