The Rich Roll Podcast

Charles Duhigg: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection



Conversation matters—but it only matters if you understand the nature of conversation itself. But how can we improve conversation to better connect and solve the problems we face? Charles Duhigg, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of The Power of Habit, shares insights on improving communication in his latest work, Supercommunicators. With degrees from Yale and Harvard Business School, Duhigg has contributed to prestigious publications like the Washington Post and the New Yorker. In "Supercommunicators," he explores the neuroscience and psychology shaping our interactions. Supercommunicators comprehend the scientific intricacies of human connection. They understand that we engage in one of three conversations every time we speak: What is this really about? How do we feel? And, who are we? The linchpin for establishing connections, deciphering unspoken nuances, and ensuring active listening lies in comprehending the underlying neuroscience and psychology influencing our conversations.  The discussi