Straight Talk With Sandra Reich

The Games We Play... and the Damage They Cause



A healthy relationship should not depend on games. Most of us know this. And yet, whether at home, at work, among strangers, or among friends, we have all engaged in relationship mind games to get what we want from the people around us. The trouble is that these games are usually detrimental to our health and the well-being of others, creating exhausting and messy dynamics in every kind of relationships. Sometimes our games are unconscious and are so deeply ingrained, that we aren’t even aware of what is happening. Join us as Sandra and Georgia discuss important questions like: Why do people play games in relationships? Do you know the games you tend to play? How can you identify whether you are instigating the games, or serving as the prey of them? Once you become aware of the patterns that constitute these games you will be able to heal and create relationships that are stable and fulfilling.