Straight Talk With Sandra Reich

How to Really Master Gratititude versus Scarcity



Do you find yourself at the end of the month with more month than money to pay your bills? Ever wonder how others seem to have it so easy? The difference is mindset. They practice gratitude on a daily basis. When you approach life from a scarcity mindframe, you actually attract more scarcity. Phrases like… I want… I wish… If only… Why me? What else could go wrong? That negative wording actually attracts more negativity. Like attracts like right? Simple science. So what would it feel like to look at life from a gratitude perspective? Instead of wanting more money, being thankful you have what you have. Instead of wanting a thinner body, being grateful for what yours has done for you. Instead of asking what else could go wrong….try asking what is going to go right? In this month’s Therapy Thursday, Sandra Reich is going to discuss the difference between living in gratitude versus scarcity.