Straight Talk With Sandra Reich

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life! It Can Be done!



Have you ever felt stuck in your ways? As if change is impossible? Or maybe you've heard defeating statements like: “I will always be anxious. It's the way I was born.” While it's true that change IS hard sometimes, it's far from impossible! In fact, science tells us that much of it is in your head - literally! Did you know that the brains of individuals’ young and old can change in amazing ways? It's called neuroplasticity - a fancy way of saying that our brains CAN change. We are not victims of our neurons or genes. We are empowered creators of our mental states. The erroneous belief that we are set in stone can stop people from even trying to change. Join us for this important episode in which Sandra Reich talks with her guest Anna-Maria Tosco (Top Psychologist at The Montreal Center for Anxiety and Depression and The Sassy Psychologist) as they delve more into this important topic and offer you hope for real change!