Tuesday Breakfast

Ending imperial feminism on IWWD, end to seismic blasting on Gunditjmara Sea Country, reclaiming colonial narratives with exhibition Re-Orient, novel Like Fire-Hearted Suns, climate action on the Westgate



Headlines// 7.15: Noura Mansour's speech at last week's International Working Women's Day rally in Naarm calling for an end to imperial feminism, an end to the silence about the genocide (particularly among women's organisations) and an end to the Zionist occupation of Palestine// 7.30: Environmental educator, campaigner and regenerative farmer Greta Carroll on the incredible community and grassroots organising that has been taking place to fight for an end to seismic blasting on Gunditjmara Sea Country// 7.45: Photographer and visual artist Pia Johnson on her upcoming exhibition Re-Orient showing at the Immigration Museum from 16 March - 11 August with a meet and greet session on 17 March. Follow @piajohnsonphotography on Instagram for updates// 8.00: Camp Sovereignty update 8.05: Melanie Joosten, author of the novels Berlin Syndrome and Gravity Well and the essay collection A Long Time Coming, on her most recent novel Like Fire-Hearted Suns// 8.15: Catherine Stong from Extinction Rebellion speaks to Annie M