Simply Abundant Intuitive

#751: Not being enough and the damage it causes



Does it feel like you're constantly striving to be enough but never quite reaching that point? Maybe you've been told that the key to feeling worthy is to keep achieving more and more, but deep down, you still struggle with feelings of inadequacy. The pain of not feeling like you're good enough can impact every aspect of your life, from relationships to work and your overall well-being. If you're tired of constantly chasing validation and want to experience greater self-acceptance and inner peace, then keep listening. In this episode, you will be able to: * Embrace self-acceptance and inner peace for a more fulfilling life. * Explore the impact of not feeling enough and unlock your true potential. * Begin your journey towards self-love and find inner contentment. * Address limiting beliefs for personal transformation and growth. * Discover the importance of emotional exploration and awareness for a more balanced life. "You're here to take up space, meaning to be you, to be with who you are right now in this