Nationalism Course Podcast

On ‘Taboos of Our Time’, Manifesto Podcast (Sweden), Dec 16



As the fossilized shell of the old consensus of values in Western democracies falls apart and slides into the ocean, it's time to get some priorities straight. “It's Not The Economy, Stupid” If there is a story to be told about the last thirty years, and the story that will be told about the coming thirty years that is not one of economics, then it is about social, cultural and spiritual decline fuelled by, yes, demographics. The End of the Boomer era has left most Western countries struggling for their soul because the post-war system was built and managed by the people, values and - yes money, that will soon be gone. Ours is a time when society functions less and less on liberal merit and more and more on tribe and race. One of the best chroniclers of this development is our guest this episode – Eric Kaufmann – whose book White Shift, and upcoming book about the taboo of race, is a great guide to this new world. We ask him about what can be salvaged from the ruins of the old order. https://www.youtu