Speak Up With Laura Camacho

E170: 10 Easy Tools To Grow Your Influence



Why improve your communication skills at work? What's the value in having more executive presence? Or feeling more comfortable with intimidating audiences? It comes down to having more influence. Influence means people know you, like you, and trust you and you get to shape the decisions that affect you. It means people think of you, they remember you and what it is you bring to the table. In this quick, intense episode, Laura shares a quick introduction to what it means to have influence at work and how you need to think about the way you interact with others, if you want to have more influence. Her diamond-studded takeaways include: - When is the best time to speak up in a meeting - Why loudmouths have more influence - How the power to influence in the virtual context helps introverts - Word choices that boost influence - Easy options to make you more memorable Today’s episode of Speak Up with Laura Camacho is brought to you by The Practical Guide to Effective Communication: Get Recognized for the Value