Speak Up With Laura Camacho

E164: STOP Chasing Squirrels: Find and Live Your Purpose with Ted Bradshaw



Today’s guest is on the Speak Up with Laura Camacho is the wonderful and charming Ted Bradshaw! He is an Expert EOS implementor (Entrepreneur Operating System) which is used in small and large companies to help get the right people in the right seats. After graduating from school and sending out hundreds of resumes, Ted landed his first job making 100% commission selling alarm systems. Following a short stint in this position, he eventually found his way into some of the big players in corporate America Including Xerox and IBM. After success in the corporate world, Ted felt the need to move to something different. Some years later, Ted became a serial entrepreneur, starting five companies in the past twenty years. Seven years ago he began coaching EOS. His admirable passion is to help those who have a desire to achieve do so through purpose. This led him to write his book, Stop Chasing Squirrels: 6 Essentials to Find Your Purpose, Focus, and Flow In this wisdom-imbued episode, Ted shares: How a br