Speak Up With Laura Camacho

E 156: Be the Boss Slay the Q & A



In this special MINI episode (15 minutes) of the Speak Up podcast, Laura Camacho gives you everything you need to Slay that Q&A after your very next presentation. Use her process to demonstrate supreme executive presence. After a few thousand coaching sessions Laura learned what actually causes breath-stopping dread to newish and/or introvertish leaders. Giving constructive feedback is seldom fun. Asking for a raise can make your knees wobble. Even giving presentations can set off the fluttering of two thousand butterflies. But the scariest situation of all is the dreaded Q&A. - Uncover the hidden opportunity in each question you're asked - What's worse than not knowing the answer to the question - The 4-A process that adds tremendous value to your answer - Why partial answers are better than saying "I don't know" - How answering questions can build your visibility This special mini-episode of the Speak Up Podcast is brought to you by The Practical Guide to Effective Communication by Laura