Bits & Bites To Change Your Life

Living Without Judging You



I like to try things on. How about you? When I was 6 and 7, my mom would drop me at Montessori school. In that big open room, we were to choose what we would play at. But before I did, I would walk around and check out what everyone was playing at. After some minutes, I would finally choose. Watching everyone else's work was 100% more fascinating to me than doing my own. It was my downfall in Grade 4, when I went to public school and had to stay in my seat. I just... couldn't. Now, I can stay in my seat. Choosing what work to do and where to go (when I let myself be me) is easy. But lately, asking others to come with me feels vulnerable. What if it's wrong? What if they don't like it? What if they don't want to go? Even as I type I can feel a familiar "fear" creeping up through my body. And in the next breath, I remember the tools and know that underneath fear is potency. I am, at my base, a tender explorer who wants to know more about everything and wants everyone to come along. I have a naive