The Freelancers' Show

194 FS Building an Audience



02:52 - What do I do with an audience? Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World by Gary Vaynerchuk 09:15 - Growing Your Audience and Keeping Them There SumoMe 17:03 - How do you get the traffic? PodcastsWebinars “Planet Aggregators” Planet PythonPlanet PostgreSQLBorrowing Audiences; Guest Posting 25:19 - Churn SurveyMonkey 32:33 - How do you monetize the audience? AlignmentMandarin WeeklyFacebook AdvertisingFFmpegRubyFlowRedditHacker News 51:33 - Email Courses 55:11 - Changing a Lead Magnet Drip Picks Practice Makes Regexp (Reuven)The System Club Letters: 57 Big Ideas to Transform Your Business and Your Life by Ken McCarthy (Philip)Drip (Chuck)SumoMe (Chuck)Freelance Remote Conf (Chuck)All Remote Conferences (Chuck)