The Freelancers' Show

193 FS Creating New Value for Clients



02:44 - How To Create New Forms of Value for Clients 08:02 - How do you create more conversations with clients? 14:33 - Different Forms of Packaging Books by Alan    19:58 - Giving More Value as a Full-time Employee (FTE) 30:00 - Productization Minimal Viable Funnel (MVF) Naming Kurt ElsterMicronar.comHeartbleedNick Disabato (Nick D.) 38:58 - Communication Groupthink 01:01:33 - Website Welcome Mats SumoMeThrive Leads Picks LeadPages (Philip)Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant by W. Chan Kim (Philip)Lean Customer Development: Building Products Your Customers Will Buy by Cindy Alvarez (Philip)Catan Universe (Reuven)Jonathan Stark: How To Increase Your Income Without Hiring Junior Developers (Jonathan)Jonathan Stark: How To Price Your Services Without Leaving Money On The Table (Jonathan)Coaching Call with Jonathan Stark (Jonathan)SumoMe (Chuck)The Blog (Chuck)The Freelancers’ Show Maili