The Freelancers' Show

164 FS Teaching and Learning Courses with Breanne Dyck



Check out RailsClips and RemoteConfs!   01:14 - Breanne Dyck Introduction Twitter My Name Is Breanne: Master the Business of Teaching Online 02:13 - Transitioning: Contracting => Teaching Courses Content Marketing 05:59 - Structuring Content Deep vs Wide Business Model 10:19 - Where do you start? 13:05 - Getting Results Levels of Mastery Surface-Level LearningHigher-Level MasteryBadass: Making Users Awesome by Kathy Sierra Spectrum of Confidence/Competence      The Backwards Brain Bicycle 24:15 - Setting People Up to Succeed Pilots, Alpha and Beta Phases Outcomes and Objectives 80/20 Rule (Pareto Principle)     33:57 - Should I charge for pilots? (Pricing) Ramit Sethi 35:39 - Experimentation > Textbook/Traditional Learning 43:22 - Selecting Content For Your Course The 5 Whys TechniqueDon't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by Steve Krug 52:50 - Getting and Keeping People Interested in Your Courses Through Completion Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs