The Freelancers' Show

150 FS Proposals



01:46 - What is a Proposal? 3 Tier Options BudgetMiddleHigh-valueStatement of Work (SOW)Alan Weiss Sample ProposalsPO (Purchase Order) 15:18 - Legal Situations? Reuven’s Cautionary TaleArbitrationMediation 19:31 - The Proposal is NOT a Pitch (80/20) RFP (Request For Proposal) Negotiations and Agreements Have Someone On Your Side (Work With the Right People)Value-based Pricing 27:45 - Recycling Proposals vs Starting From Scratch Use TemplatesModify Text as Needed 30:34 - Things NOT to Put in a Proposal Never Change the Price or Give a Discount (Prevent Haggling)Write Everything Down => Meeting Notes 33:39 - Sales Conversations Are Everything 36:44 - Proposal-Writing Tools BidsketchNusii 40:11 - Understand Client Wants and Needs Picks Getting More: How You Can Negotiate to Succeed in Work and Life by Stuart Diamond (Jonathan)The Dip: A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and When to Stick) by Seth Godin (Eric)Workflow (Eric)YouCanBook.Me (Reuven)Calendly (Reuven)