The Freelancers' Show

The Freelancers’ Show 073 – Book Club: Getting Things Done with David Allen



Panel David Allen (twitter David Allen Company) Reuven Lerner (twitter github blog) Curtis McHale (twitter github blog) Eric Davis (twitter github blog) Charles Max Wood (twitter github Teach Me To Code Rails Ramp Up) Discussion 01:06 - David Allen Introduction David Allen Company Getting Things Done by David Allen 01:27 - GTD’s Conception The Strategic Value of Clear Space 05:37 - Organization 08:24 - What GTD Does Orientation Maps Weekly Reviews The Lost Horizon 10:58 - Getting Things Done Writing Things Down Habits To-Do Lists 14:42 - Using Lists Context 23:17 - Outcome & Action Thinking 25:48 - The Power of NO Being Appropriately Engaged Multi-Tasking Who Multi-Tasks and Why? Multi-Tasking Ability, Perceived Multi-Tasking Ability, Impulsivity, and Sensation Seeking Placeholders 31:12 - Managing Your Inbox 35:54 - Dealing with Overwhelm 39:40 - Implementing GTD 44:03 - What Has Changed Since GTD’s First Edition Lifelong Mastership Technology 46:36 - David’s System Lotus Notes E