Shahzad Sheikh

ICE Isn't Dead at Mazda! New EVs To Include Sportster? | UK MD Shares Inside Line



Mazda is bucking trends! Check out my exclusive podcast with Jeremy Thomson, Managing Director of Mazda UK. In this interview Jeremy gives us the inside line on Mazda's bold two-pronged strategy, balancing the advancement of electric vehicles (EVs) with a continued commitment to the internal combustion engine (ICE). He explains the challenge of the ZEV Mandate (Vehicle Emissions Trading Schemes Order) in the UK, requiring 22% of new cars sold to be EVs, and how Mazda will meet the demands despite only having one EV on sale for now. Turns out there's more flexibility in the ruling that we initially thought - but only for a short period! From the anticipation around new EVs, potentially including a sporty model, to continued investment and development of ICE vehicles for improved efficiency and emissions, as well as the potential of alternative fuels, this is a conversation you won't want to miss! What We Cover: - Mazda's Vision for the Future: How Mazda is innovating to embrace electric veh