The Change Agents Podcast With Dr. James Rouse

The Power of Interior Decorating



Ellen Langer, a prominent psychologist known for her work in the areas of mindfulness and the illusion of control, has conducted various studies that explore the impact of mental states, attitudes, and the surrounding environment on physical health and well-being. While Langer has engaged in a broad range of research topics over her career, one of her notable areas of focus involves examining how positive changes in one's environment or perceptions can lead to measurable improvements in health outcomes. One of Langer's relevant studies in this context is her work on the effects of mental outlook on aging, which, while not directly about surrounding environments with positive pictures, aligns closely with the idea of how environmental cues can influence physiological and psychological states. In a landmark study known as the "counterclockwise" study, Langer and her colleagues found that when elderly participants were placed in an environment that mirrored the settings of their youth—thereby encouraging them to