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Safety Precautions While Cleaning Solar Panels with Trevor Steiner



Safety precautions while cleaning solar panels is a topic Trevor Steiner, an experienced solar panel cleaning expert, takes very seriously. In this video, he shares his journey into this niche field with host Angela Brown. Trevor emphasizes the self-taught aspects of his training, crediting invaluable ladder safety skills learned from family members who are firefighters. He highlights the importance of situational awareness while working on roofs and the challenges of different roof types like the fragile Spanish clay tile. Trevor stresses using the right equipment and taking the necessary time to ensure both safety and effective cleaning. His meticulous approach underscores the risks involved and the need for proper training. Don't miss Trevor's first-hand insights and hard-earned wisdom he shares in this video. What To Look For When Hiring Cleaners For Solar Panels Chapters: 00:00 Introducing Trevor Steiner 00:18 The Importance of Cleaning Solar Panels 00:49 Learning the Ropes: Becoming a Solar Panel Cleani