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What To Look For When Hiring Cleaners For Solar Panels with Trevor Steiner



Keeping your solar panels in pristine condition is essential for maximizing their efficiency, but hiring cleaners for solar panels can be a daunting task. In this video, Angela Brown talks to Trevor Steiner, an expert in solar panel cleaning. Trevor highlights the importance of enlisting a professional cleaning service that uses the right equipment, such as deionized water and specific brushes. He emphasizes the need for the service to be insured, especially noting the challenges of finding appropriate insurance coverage. For homeowners considering professional cleaners, Trevor advises asking potential service providers detailed questions about their cleaning process, frequency, and pricing - which typically falls in the low few hundred dollar range for a standard residential system. He also discusses the benefits of recurring cleaning packages, the use of earth-friendly cleaning agents, and the potential for solar panels to develop 'hot spots' if not regularly maintained. Whether you're a new solar panel own