Touching Lives With Dr. James Merritt

The Only Thing That Counts



Whether we think it’s fair or not, there is an increasing antipathy, apathy, and antagonism toward the church and modern Christianity unlike anything we’ve ever seen in our nation’s history. A big part of it is our fault, and it is exactly why a man named Paul wrote the book of Galatians, because the church that had been taught the liberty that comes from faith in Jesus was being tempted to replace it with legalism that comes from trying to keep the law. This problem is still a major issue in the church today, because many Christians believe you have to add “do’s and don’ts” to following Jesus if you want to be a true Christian. But that’s simply not the case. When people walk into a true New Testament church, they ought to find two things: the God of grace and the grace of God. As believers, we must be about the only thing that counts so that unbelievers will see that we understand the only thing that counts.